quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2013

Thoughts (word of the week)

Hello everybody! ! How long for ? Miss you all , today I went back to get kkkkk ( laughs ) .

Today our word of the week come in Matthew 5

The fifth chapter of Matthew tells us that Jesus began to teach us about the kingdom of heaven ,

 more popularly known as the Sermon on the Mount .

And Jesus , seeing the multitudes , went up into a mountain, and sat down , approached him their dicipulos ;

And opening his mouth , and taught them , saying :

Blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of the heavens are the poor in spirit , the poor word does not refer to those who have little money, but it refers to humility or rather those who rely on God.

Nowadays especially with me I see how much people and I wanted to walk with our own legs without relying on anyone, saying I'll get Jesus at home , know that in your own advice you will lose SUPERB .

This word came to me yesterday maybe if Jesus turns the kingdoms of heaven and would not be my time or yours.

Blessed are those who depend on the Lord , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ,
Blessed is the accepting correction , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ,
Blessed is the working honestly for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ,
Blessed following the advice of Jesus .

Only this verse I can see all these things , poor spirits who depend on healthy gentleman who accept correction , the honest , those who follow the ways of Jesus them are the kingdoms of heaven ! !

Be humble as Jesus was !

A Big Hug !
Matthew Agora !

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