terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012

Comes with the weight of his glory!!


Intensity is all we need for God to come up with the weight of his glory.

Let's think a bit:

When the ark arrived at the house of Obed-Edom, she TRANSFORMED the house of Obed God's presence is intense when he starts acting!!

So we have to be intense at the time of our search, we have to be intense when we make a change of attitude.

If we are intense in our quest for more of God, he will bless us to be intense!!

The weight of the glory of God in my understanding is the pleasure of the real presence, the weight of the glory of God is something that knocks you down is you feel happy to be there in the presence of God!!

Lord Jesus, I invite you into my life, Lord takes care of my problems, takes care of everything.

Lord I want to feel you, feel your touch in my interior, where it is the rivers that flow will come from you.

Lord renew my alinça want you, I want to bring to your presence in my house,

Lord comes with your fire burning in my heart, you come with your healing.

Renew in me a love song, renews me in your presence, with your grace renews with thy wind take me and the tranquil waters.

Lord I love you, and I will tell your love story for everyone.

Reine in mim.Te love you.


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