terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2013

Tuesday Prayer

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning Psalm 30:5
Today here at City Hall talked to a lady who had just lost her husband, and she suddenly starts crying and I was touched by the grief that that person was, but the Lord reminded me of the theme verse of our Month of February
Weeping may endure for a night (or several), but joy comes in the morning (but the love of God will arrive in her life) and he asked me to remember that she had someone who loved her and would bring peace and comfort to her heart, made obeyed God, I felt the happiest person in the world by speaking of God's love for a person who needed.
And I wondered how many people are in mourning and have not yet heard about God's love and peace in the midst of the war amid the mourning amid fears amid solitude.
Today in our Tuesday prayer we pray for these people so that their lives can be born in a new day.
This new day is emerging in your life and my life is the day to rejoice and pray for these people who are still in darkness.
Pray with me:
"Lord Jesus I am here once again in your presence, do not come asking for wealth or glory, but I come to ask you to come bless the people who are still in mourning and they are sick and abandoned without peace and love.
Come Lord Jesus and console dry all the tears of his people who cry for your loss and for your loneliness, Lord sends his servants to these people, so they are its carriers of peace, joy, comfort and faith, bless the missionaries agents who are taking his word to the hearts hopeless, Lord bless the missionaries who are persecuted in the countries you strength and protect them with your blood, if you need me here I am at your disposal.

It is in your name Jesus I pray.
Amen "
I hope you have done this prayer with faith, God bless you too, is an agent of God's word, are available in the work of the Lord!
I'm here, even more!!

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Yes, I Believe In God

"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18"

Hello, I'm Talita Cristina, sister of Matthew Agora, and my dear brother gave me a place here to say a little of what I think and live.
Now that the first presentation ever announced, while dealing with the theme of this publication: Believe or not Believe
A few days ago I read a status update on the passage from 1 Corinthians (written early in the post), which led me to reflect on some horinhas. These reflections made me reaffirm my faith in the truth of the gospel crazy. Which try to write next.
One. Contextualizing ...

a) We will make a brief social context: in a secular society in which ethics is a must with regard to difference of opinions. And that religious relativism is always present an exit that takes no discussion anywhere. Where has the greatest value is what you appear to be and not what it really is. It becomes increasingly difficult to assert something, say that we believe or not believe in something. For, to take a faith, a variety of labels and certain standards are imposed. Loads such that we are not always aware of what they are and why arisen, simply carry. But one thing is certain, our ideologies are always apparent in our lives is through our speeches or behaviors.
b) At this time a contextualization of the chosen excerpt: "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Paul the writer of books targeted to the Corinthian church, starts talking about his assertion of faith, truth and reporting what he preached and followed, he wrote the letter that the order (s) addressed lines up to the standard of living that leads to salvation . But soon he warns that what he preached was not human wisdom, but a wisdom coming from above (God) thus giving all the credit and honor to God's word and not to human knowledge.
2nd. Exploring Excerpt ...

a) When the passage says "the message of the cross" refers to 'an' absolute truth and completeness of the Bible. The absolute truth is that God does exist and he created mankind and the universe, and 7 days, made a plan of rescue and redemption of mankind (or several plans, for those who think so) that had its heyday in the life and death of Jesus on cross for the forgiveness of our sins and to reconnect us to God. And the entirety of the Bible, for if we believe in the absolute truth of creation, redemption, pointing to the final judgment, we will believe that all parts of the bible is true and divinely inspired.
b) In the passage that says, "is foolishness to those who are perishing", brings awareness to the existence of life after death with the presence of a heaven and a hell, and that the way to one of these destinations is conditioned upon faith, but not any faith, is conditional on faith in Jesus.
c) The words "but to us who are being saved," in turn comes from people who chose to believe fully that truth (which seems to be more crazy for some), they decided to follow that truth, to surrender by Complete this truth.
d) Have the words "is the power of God," shows a God who is powerful beyond saving, and that by choosing to follow toward that faith certainly find something solid and stable to cling. For the power of God manifest to those who believe in the truth of the Cross will be with them.
3rd. By End ...

When thinking of all the points outlined above reflect: which group belong: those who believe or not believe? And if this whole story is really crazy? But if I find the madness that group I most resemble? And if it is really true?
I would love to be the group that did not perish. But to know which group I belong, I need to position myself to believe or not. As for biblical truth in the eyes very natural seems crazy, but something deep inside the heart points to a real hope that drives believing the truth that liberates and saves. But still do not know, I guess I think, okay, I'm pretty sure, to tell you the truth I do not know!
However, if it really is true I can not be in doubt, for anyone who is in doubt, is in the group of those who perish. Since then such a truth I need to decide soon, definitely, now, in this moment ... already decided: Yes, I Believe In God.